A new work paradigm: how Bandai Namco Mobile implemented the 4-day workweek

Contenuto Gratuito Business case Smart Working Scenario Europeo Settimana corta Ottobre 2024

The organization

Bandai Namco Mobile, a division of the Japanese Entertainment Company Bandai Namco, was established to accelerate the growth of the company’s mobile gaming business in the Western market.  The development studio, located in Barcelona, Spain, employs around 50 people and focuses on creating innovative free-to-play mobile games, with new intellectual properties tailored to Western audiences, complementing the games and IPs developed in Japan. The company has also strengthened its mobile marketing teams and is dedicated to expanding and nurturing its fan base in the West, for some of its most iconic and successful games. Additionally, the company is also exploring new opportunities and business models.

Bandai Namco Mobile operates with a flatter organizational structure, meaning there are no seniority roles within the studio’s disciplines (e.g., all Game Developers have the same level of responsibility and 8 years + experience with no distinctions between Junior, Senior, or Lead roles). As a result, there is little to no middle management, and teams are small, lean, and agile.

The need

The company sought to create the best possible working environment for its employees, whilst also addressing burnout, a common issue in the videogame Industry. Their goal was to cultivate healthier, happier, and more creative teams.

The solution

As one of the methods to reach these goals, the company implemented a 4-day workweek, allowing employees to work from Monday to Thursday, with Fridays off.

This initiative was introduced into an already flexible work environment, where teams have the freedom to choose when and how they work, fostering a sense of trust and responsibility that enhances creativity and motivation. At Bandai Namco Mobile, there are no fixed working hours. Employees are entrusted with the responsibility to complete their tasks during their most productive hours. While the company recognizes that some tasks require deep concentration, which can be more easily achieved when working from home, they also value in-office collaboration and team building. Therefore, a hybrid model has been introduced and generally the team will work from the office a minimum of 3 days per week. Employees also have the flexibility to work from other locations for longer periods, particularly during summer and winter months. Additionally, the company offers unlimited vacation days, allowing employees to take the time they need to rest and return to work more refreshed and productive.

The 4-day workweek was implemented in March 2022, inspired by similar initiatives in other European countries. After internal discussions and consultations with companies that had already adopted the approach, Bandai Namco Mobile launched a 6-month trial, which was communicated to employees by the leadership team. The trial’s positive results led the company to make the initiative permanent. Today, all permanent employees at Bandai Namco Mobile work a 4-day week.

To enhance efficiency, the company focuses on saving time by automating operational and simpler tasks and by optimizing meetings. This includes setting clear agendas, reducing the length of meetings, and decreasing their frequency (e.g., from weekly to biweekly) to improve both quality and efficiency.

The adoption of innovative technologies, along with a new approach to data management and analysis, has further supported the goal of increasing efficiency. For example, the company automated certain analysis and reporting processes, enabling marketing managers to access complex data with a single click. Visual artists were provided with tools that allowed them to save up to 60% of the time typically spent on rendering activities. Additionally, the game development team switched to a new prototyping tool, which not only reduced the time required to complete tasks but also decreased the number of employees needed for those tasks.

Benefits, Challenges, and Impact of the Initiative

The initiative was closely monitored through surveys administered to employees every six weeks during the trial period. Employees rated four key aspects of their jobs on a 1-10 scale: creativity, productivity, stress levels, and work-life balance. The surveys reported that creativity levels increased by 22%, productivity grew by approximately 20%, and satisfaction with work-life balance improved by 22%. The stress level followed a different pattern. It increased at the very beginning, due to people concerns over how to fit the same amount of work into a shorter workweek. However, it dropped by 47% at the end of the trial.

The four-day workweek has also proven to be an effective recruitment and retention tool. This initiative has attracted a significant number of direct applications, reducing reliance on external recruitment methods and enabling the company to save both time and costs.

Throughout the trial, the company consistently sought feedback from all employees, engaging in open discussions about the pros and cons of the initiative to ensure ongoing improvement and alignment with the team’s needs.

Future Flexibility Goals

The four-day workweek aligns with Bandai Namco Mobile’s commitment to prioritizing quality over quantity. This philosophy is reflected in the company’s small team sizes and its focus on developing a select number of high-quality games.

By making the 4-day workweek a permanent initiative, the organization aims to maintain the benefits observed during the trial: improved work-life balance, increased productivity and creativity, and a positive work environment for all employees. This decision marks a significant step towards ensuring that Bandai Namco Mobile is a place truly “Fun for all into the future.”

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Eleonora Evstifeew

Eleonora Evstifeew

Acquisti e abbonamenti Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18
Antonella Zagheni

Antonella Zagheni

Assistenza abbonati Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18
A new work paradigm: how Bandai Namco Mobile implemented the 4-day workweek

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