Il Webinar fa parte del Programma Tematico:

Navigating eInvoicing worldwide: country profiles and expert insights (2025)

Navigating eInvoicing worldwide: country profiles and expert insights (2025)

PROGR. TEMATICO International Observatory on Electronic Invoicing (Tavolo di Lavoro)

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Descrizione del Webinar

The webinar explores the regulatory complexities, operational practices, and specific challenges of electronic invoicing in Germany with our expert speaker. This session will offer an in-depth view of compliance requirements, technological advancements, and future prospects for e-invoicing in the German context. Don’t miss the opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain a valuable update on this ever-evolving landscape.

The webinar is held in English.

Il webinar, grazie al contributo del nostro relatore esperto, approfondisce le pratiche operative, le normative e le sfide legate alla fatturazione elettronica nel panorama tedesco. Durante il webinar vengono presentati i requisiti di conformità, i progressi tecnologici e le prospettive future della fatturazione elettronica in Germania.

Il webinar si tiene in lingua inglese.

Domande chiave

  • Quali sono i requisiti e gli obblighi di fatturazione elettronica in Germania?
  • Quali sono le prossime fasi per implementare la riforma della fatturazione elettronica in Germania?
  • Quali sfide affrontano le aziende nell'adeguarsi alle nuove normative sulla fatturazione elettronica?
  • What are the current eInvoicing requirements and obligations in Germany?
  • What are the upcoming milestones and key stages for the rollout of eInvoicing reform in Germany?
  • What challenges do companies encounter as they adapt to the new eInvoicing regulations?



Hans Joachim Narzynski

Federal Ministry of Finance (Germany)

Head of division in the Ministry’s directorate for customs and indirect taxation. In this position he is dealing with international VAT matters, in particular with the negotiations on European regulations, their application and ECJ cases in the area of VAT. Hans Joachim Narzynski joined the tax administration in Germany in 1998 and the Federal Ministry of Finance in 2013. He previously worked in several local tax offices and as an advisor in the Federal Parliament of Germany

Siamo a tua disposizione per informazioni e assistenza

Martina Vertemati

Martina Vertemati

Acquisti e abbonamenti Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18
Alessia Barone

Alessia Barone

Assistenza Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18

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Germany’s eInvoicing: a country-specific guide

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