ViDA: Updates and Insights on the VAT in the Digital Age Initiative
Il Webinar fa parte del Programma Tematico:

Navigating eInvoicing worldwide: country profiles and expert insights (2025)
Descrizione del Webinar
The webinar offers an in-depth exploration of the latest developments in the ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) initiative. Led by Agustín Míguez Pérez, Policy Officer at the European Commission Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, Value Added Tax, this session provides key updates on regulatory changes, implementation timelines, and the anticipated impact on businesses and tax administrations across Europe.
The webinar is held in English.
Il webinar offre un’esplorazione approfondita degli ultimi sviluppi dell’iniziativa ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age). Condotto da Agustín Míguez Pérez, Policy Officer al Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, Value Added Tax della Commissione Europea, questa sessione fornisce aggiornamenti chiave sulle modifiche normative, i tempi di attuazione e l’impatto previsto sulle imprese e le amministrazioni fiscali in tutta Europa.
Il webinar si tiene in lingua inglese.
Domande chiave
- Quali sono i principali obiettivi e gli impatti previsti dell'iniziativa ViDA (IVA nell'Era Digitale)?
- In che modo ViDA affronta le sfide attuali nella fatturazione elettronica e nella conformità e rendicontazione IVA?
- Cosa dovrebbero sapere le aziende per adattarsi ai cambiamenti introdotti dall'iniziativa ViDA?
- What are the main objectives and expected impacts of the ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) initiative?
- How does ViDA address current challenges in eInvoicing and VAT compliance and reporting?
- What should businesses know to adapt to the changes introduced by the ViDA initiative?
Agustín Míguez Pérez
Policy Officer at the European Commission Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, Value Added TaxHas more than 25 years of experience in the tax field. He is currently working in the VAT policy unit of the European Commission, where he is the team leader of the digital reporting requirements and electronic invoicing in the VAT in the Digital Age initiative. He has previously worked in other legislative initiatives in the field of VAT such as the rules on the place supply for telecommunications, broadcasting and electronically supplied services or the “quick fixes” Directive. He has contributed extensively to the work of the VAT Committee, helping to clarify the interpretation of the rules in the VAT Directive. Before joining the European Commission, Agustín Míguez worked for fifteen years in the Spanish Tax Administration, mainly in audit, investigation and enforcement of taxes. There he was entrusted with important responsibilities such as the direction of the audit and investigation office of the province of Seville.
Siamo a tua disposizione per informazioni e assistenza

Martina Vertemati
Acquisti e abbonamenti Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18
Alessia Barone
Assistenza Da Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 09 alle 18Scopri altri contenuti di International Observatory on Electronic Invoicing (Tavolo di Lavoro)

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